An moody image of a full moon to set the scene for a vampire and werewolf novel - a free vampire book online.

Free Vampire Books: Vampire Bite – Chapter 20


M.D. Bowden has asserted her moral rights to be identified as author of this work.  No part of this book may be reproduced without prior permission in writing from the author.  All characters in this book are fictitious.  Any resemblance to real persons, living, dead or living dead, is entirely coincidental.

Get Your Vampire VS Werewolf Fix With A Nice Amount Of Paranormal Romance Thrown In

Have you read the first chapters in this free vampire book yet?

If not first check out:

Chapter 1: BITE

Chapter 2: MESSAGE

Chapter 3: ALFIE

Chapter 4: KISS

Chapter 5: GONE

Chapter 6: WOLF

Chapter 7: NIGHT

Chapter 8: HUNT

Chapter 9: DREAD

Chapter 10: CASPER

Chapter 11: DEAD

Chapter 12: FAIR

Chapter 13: DANGER

Chapter 14: AMBUSH

Chapter 15: CONFLICT




Chapter 19: LOVE

Chapter 20: SHOWDOWN

I wake up alone in my flat as weak afternoon sun shines around the edge of my blind.  Today is the day.  The battle.  And I’m not even going to see it. 

Alfie will be fighting, and all his pack – his friends and family.  Casper will be fighting too.  Will Alfie fight Casper?  Is Alfie right – will they win, no problem?  Or … it could all go wrong.  What if they don’t win?  What if the vampires win?  What if Alfie dies?  What about Casper?  He’s a bloodsucking murderer … and I should want him dead … but … I guess I don’t.  He said he’ll stop killing for me … but he probably only means if I’m with him.  But I’m very much with Alfie … how will that make Casper act?  What if he kills more people in response? 

What if he kills Alfie?

I have a really bad feeling about tonight.  I wish I could be there – but Alfie wouldn’t even tell me where the battle will be!  He said it will be safer if I don’t know.  I’m not surprised really, after what I did – I can’t imagine he’ll trust me fully for a while.

I pick up my phone and ring Mark.  I apologise profusely for last night and tell him what’s going on.  I consider inviting him over … to wait it out with me … yet, after arguing with him I don’t feel like seeing him again quite this soon.  I have faith our friendship will recover though, and we end the call on good terms.

It feels like the slowest day on Earth.  Ever.

All I can think about is what’s going to happen, and what might happen.  My mind is racing and racing, and it feels like I’ve been caught in a time warp.

As darkness falls I look out of the window and watch it descend, wondering what time the battle will begin.  I stick on a film; and for the second night in a row I cannot concentrate.  I sit there anyway, my mind elsewhere.



And waiting.

I wonder if I should go to bed and try and sleep, but discard the idea immediately; it would be no use.

The buzzer rings and my heart jumps in response.

I get up and press the button.  “Who’s there?”

“I’ve got Alfie down here – you better come down and see.”  The voice sounds vaguely familiar, but I can’t place it.

What the hell?!

My heart racing, I fling open the door and head downstairs, with my feet bare.  It’s dark in the corridor and as I get to the front door I hesitate; what if Alfie’s not really out there?  What if this is a trap for me?

I take a deep breath and then open the front door slowly.

“Ava – don’t come out here!” Alfie gasps, in a strangled voice from down the path.

I don’t see him straight away though, my eyes focus on the guy standing right in front of me – the one who attacked me by the river.  It’s like my breath and blood freeze.  He’s standing there – looking smug and full of himself, and to top it off he’s smirking.

“Hi Ava, we’ve got your wolf-friend out here,” he taunts, and then steps aside so I can see the scene behind him.

At the end of my path, between the hedges that separate the block of flats I live in from the river path, Alfie is struggling.

“Alfie!” I wail.

“Don’t come out Av—!” Alfie screams, his voice cut off mid-word by pressure put on his voice box by the vampire holding him.

He is being held in a neck lock by a tall male, with long dark hair tied back, that I don’t recognise.  Alfie’s face is going red with the effort of trying to escape, and as he twists sideways I see his hands are tied behind him with coarse rope.  There is another vampire standing behind him, a woman who I do recognise from one of the photos Alfie showed me, and another standing just in front, but right at the edge of the path to give me a good view of the situation.

I nearly do step over the threshold; I want to run to him; to wrap my arms around him and free him.  But there are four vampires out there.  Four.  And I don’t even have my gun on me – why didn’t I think to grab it before coming down? – not that it would be much use right now, with Alfie tied up.

“Wh-why have you-are you doing this?” I stutter.

My attacker’s smirk widens.  “Because we want you to come with us,” he says.  “As a hostage.”

“As if!” I say indignantly.

“You’ll come,” he says.  “Or we’ll kill your wolf beau.  Watch.”

My eyes snap to Alfie as there’s a sudden movement from the vampire holding him.  He moved his arms so they are gripping Alfie around his shoulders, and his head snaps forward, and I watch, horrified, as he sinks long fangs into Alfie’s throat.


Alfie roars and bucks forward, trying to throw off the biter, but the other two vampires grab hold of him, one wrapping his arms around Alfie’s body, and the girl clamping her hand over Alfie’s mouth.  The biter breaks off, blood running down his chin, and spits out Alfie’s blood, screwing up his face with disgust.

I know it’s late, but I’m amazed no-one is coming out at all the noise.  Maybe they’re too scared.  Maybe someone has called the police.  But even if they come … what will they be able to do?

“He’ll do that again unless you come out now,” says my smug attacker.

I feel sick – I don’t know what to do.  What should I do?

Teeth plunge back into Alfie’s throat.

“No!” I shout.

“You coming then?” my attacker taunts.

“Y-yes.  I am.”

“That’s it then Man, you can stop.”

The vampire with long hair breaks away from Alfie again and spits more blood onto the path.  Alfie sags against him, weakened, his face greenish under the street light.

“Come on then,” my attacker taunts.  “Coming or not?”

“I—”  I stop talking, wondering what’s the point, take a strained breath, and then step over the threshold.

My attacker’s arms are around me in an instant, and then he fumbles in his jacket, pulls out a thick syringe, which glints in the darkness, and then plunges it into my chest.  I feel a sharp pain, hear Alfie’s muffled scream, feel instantly woozy, and then pass out.

It feels like no time has passed when I feel another sharp pain and come to, feeling weird, my head pounding, and for a moment I keep my eyes closed, feeling very sleepy.  I can’t move my arms; there are ropes around me, tying my arms to my sides, and I’m bound to something which is solid and cold.  I am freezing, and a cool wind is blowing my hair away from my face.  It’s quiet, but I start to hear some noise when I concentrate, my senses starting to wake up.  I can hear rustling, and whispers; I don’t think I’m still outside my flat as I can’t hear the weir, so it must be an illusion that no time has passed.

I force my eyes open.  It is very dark, but then clouds above us part to reveal a three-quarters-full moon which casts light down upon me and my surroundings.  My eyes are caught by a figure tied to a nearby tree; it is Alfie, his head flopped forwards so I can barely see his face.  My heart contracts.

“Alfie!” I whisper, but it comes out croaky, and he doesn’t stir.

“Alfie!” I try again, this time a little louder.

He doesn’t move an inch.  I strain my eyes trying to watch him closely, and I see his chest rise and fall, and feel a sweeping sense of relief.  Maybe they drugged him too, or knocked him out – but he’s a werewolf – he will recover, I tell myself.

I see some movement and change the direction I’m straining to see in; I realise there are people standing in front of me, maybe twenty feet away, lined up with their backs to me and Alfie.  I look around further; we are tied to trees on the edge of a forest and before us is a flat clearing.  In the distance there is more forest and I can see a hedge a way off to my right.  I recognise where we are – it’s the clearing where I camped with Alfie; where he turned into a wolf before my eyes.  To the right I can just about make out the remnants of our camp – the log we sat on and the stones framing the camp fire.

I still feel foggy and for a second it’s like I’ve forgotten what’s going on, but my attention is drawn back to the line of vampires in front of me as they take a step forwards, casting long shadows behind them in the moonlight.

What’s going on?

I search further into the distance and see there are more shapes, another line of people facing them, possibly another twenty feet away.  Something clicks in my mind; werewolves.  This is it.  The battle.  It’s about to start.

Something else clicks in my mind, and I feel a rush of panic.  There are definitely more vampires than Alfie expected.  I quickly scan the line, counting as I go; fifteen; there are fifteen vampires!  Oh my God!  Either the werewolves never realised how many there were, or they’ve changed loads more people than Alfie thought possible – and somehow got them to co-operate.

I look to the werewolves and count them; sixteen; not all of them, a couple must have stayed with the children.  The werewolves have a slight advantage, although with the vampires holding us hostage they might act differently.  I don’t know.  I should have asked Alfie stuff like this; like, would they try to save us, or do they have some kind of agreement where they, like, don’t bother?  To save themselves?

I sense, more than hear, movement behind me, and strain my head to the side.  There, leaning against a tree, is my attacker.  He winks at me, and I want to whack him one, or get my gun and shoot him over and over.  He doesn’t say anything.  It’s creepy how silent everyone is.

But him being back here with me and Alfie; that’s one more vampire to the count, which means vampire numbers match werewolf numbers.  The werewolves have no advantage at all.

The vampires step forwards again and this time I see that the werewolves mirror them.  I watch, my breathing tight and shallow, as slowly they all step forwards again.  And again.  And again.

Suddenly a shrill whistle fills the air and there’s a great roar from the werewolf pack and I feel a rush of wind as vampires and werewolves tear towards each other.  It chills me that the vampires are still quiet, but the wolves sure aren’t, and the night is filled with the sounds of them shouting, and whumps, and impacts.  I watch enraptured, forgetting for a moment about the vampire with me, forgetting even about Alfie still being unconscious, just wishing I could see better.

I hear a cry of anguish – a wounded wolf.  I wish they were in their wolf form – or they could change when the moon isn’t full – as they could take that many vampires on no problem then.  I hear a deep cry of triumph, and someone – a vampire, I presume – falls to the ground.

They are tearing at each other – it’s feral.  There appears to be no form or reason or teamwork going on – just brutal fighting, one on one.  I hear a scream, cut off half way through – and see another body fall to the ground.  I don’t know if it was a vampire or a werewolf.

I wonder if Casper is out there; whether he’s killed any werewolves yet; whether he’s killed any people since I last saw him.

Someone steps in front of me, blocking my view.  My attacker.

I feel a surge of hate and scowl at him. 

“Not joining in the fight?” I say.

“Tempting,” he says, looking back over his shoulder.  There’s another scream, and he turns back to face me.  “But it seems my friends are doing fine on their own.”

I gulp.

“And … being here with you is even more tempting than joining the fight.”

His eyes travel down my body, and then back up to my face.

My mouth goes dry, and I glance towards Alfie.

“He can’t help you.  He can’t stop me doing this.”

Suddenly his body is one inch in front of mine.  The sounds of the fight melt into the background as my focus is taken up by the vampire in front of me.

“Wh—”  I try to speak, but my throat has seized up.

He laughs.  “You’re not scared are you, little Ava?”

I am scared, so, so scared, but I’m not going to admit it.  I shake my head.

He laughs again, and touches me just below my ear with one cool finger, and then runs it along my jaw.

“I could make you want me too,” he whispers.

“You couldn’t,” I manage.

“You know I could, but it’s against the rules, although it just so happens that I like breaking the rules.”  He leans towards my neck and inhales deeply.  “Some things are worth breaking the rules for.”

I wriggle, trying to break free.

He laughs again, but this time quietly, very close to my ear.

Think, I tell myself.  Think.  Distract him somehow.

Say something.

“Err … aren’t I here for a purpose?”

“That you are … but it doesn’t seem like you’re going to be needed, you see, we are winning … and you smell delicious….”

Twin points pierce my neck, and it hurts so much, I squirm to try and escape the pain, but it’s no use; I feel him sucking, blood leaving me, rushing into him. 

He stops sucking and pulls his teeth out of my neck, and whispers to me again.  “You are delicious – it’s good to taste you again.”

He licks the area where he bit me, and I feel like I really might vomit.  Then he forces my head the other way and inhales deeply the other side of my neck, then runs his teeth lightly over my skin.

“Just a pin prick,” he whispers, and pierces my skin again, and then as I feel the blood well up he licks it away.  “Just in case you are still needed.”

He starts sucking my neck where he pierced it, not biting me now, just slowly sucking out a little blood, like he’s giving me a love bite.  I try to block it out, to not think about what’s happening to me, to focus on what’s going on in the clearing.  It is hard to think of anything else though; I’m very aware of his body pressed against mine, cool and solid, and he’s moving his lips just slightly as he sucks.  It feels gross and I feel like he’s violating me … and he’s sucking harder … I think he might lose control … but think out there, I tell myself … think about what’s happening beyond me….  The fight is still going on.  I hear someone shout Mic’s name – was it in fear?  I focus, trying to hear again, when a rush of new pain brings me back to self-awareness.  Fangs have re-entered my neck, and my blood starts rushing out again.

Then something jolts the vampire against me, winding me, and he stops sucking.  And then he’s yanked off me.  My sight is blurry, but I strain through it and see there’s a stake in his back, and as I feel a tug on my ropes my attacker starts smoking, and then, just like that; he’s dust.

My ropes fall free and I stumble forwards and fall on my knees, onto the dust.  Someone rushes to my side, as I close my eyes, feeling really weak and dizzy, and shivering.

“Ava!”  Casper’s voice.  “Ava!  Look at me.”

I force my eyes to open and watch as he sticks a knife into his neck and blood starts to spill.

“Drink,” he says.

I make no movement to do so, so he pulls me to him and forces my mouth against the blood.

“Drink,” he says again.

Blood runs into my mouth, lots of it – but it doesn’t taste like my own blood – it tastes sweet, rich and tempting.  And I feel so weak, a part of me actually wants to swallow, but another part of me is revolted at the idea.

“Open up, Ava,” Casper says through gritted teeth.

Without even thinking I do what he says and more blood spurts into my mouth and to the back of my throat.  My swallowing reflex kicks in and I do it involuntarily.

“Good,” Casper says, and pulls away, holding me steady.

I breathe in, my thoughts suddenly clearer, wondering what I’ve just done.

I look sharply at Casper.

“You’re not going to kill me are you?”

“No – I want to wait until you choose to be like me, remember?” he says, smiling, but talking fast as though he’s in a hurry.  “But I need to go – at least this way if you die – it won’t be forever.”  He grins at me.  “I don’t think you will die though – it looks like the wolves have gained the advantage.”

It’s funny really, how he’s acting like this doesn’t bother him.

“Goodbye Ava,” he whispers, looking intently into my eyes, and then scanning my face as though he’s trying to take in every detail.

He lunges forwards and kisses me on the lips, and then he’s up and approaching Alfie with a needle.  He’s so fast the needle is in Alfie before I can say anything.

“What are you doing?” I manage, when it is already too late.

I spring to my feet as Casper drops the needle on the floor, turns into a blur, and is gone.

I run to Alfie, and as I get to his side he groans.

“Alfie!” I whisper, not wanting to draw any unnecessary attention – I am fully aware of the sounds of the battle still progressing.

“Ava…” he whispers, his voice coming out croaky like mine did after I had just come around.

He straightens his neck so he’s more upright, but keeps his eyes closed.

“It’s alright Alfie, you’ll feel better soon,” I say, leaning forward and kissing his cheek.

His eyes spring open, the amber glowing under the moon.  He looks straight at me with wide eyes.

“What happened to you?” he says urgently.

But then his attention is caught by a shout from the clearing and he starts to struggle.

“Untie me – quick Ava!”

I step back and look down at the ropes binding him; I can only just see them, and can’t see a knot.  I touch them with my hands and run them along the rope, moving around the tree as I go.  There’s a large knot at the back, but it’s even harder to see here as the back of the tree is in the shade so it’s basically pitch black.

“Hurry!” Alfie hisses.

I fumble with the knot, wishing I had a light.  I find the end of the rope and feel where it leaves the knot, and try to push it back through, wiggling it and putting pressure on it until I eventually feel it start to give.  I push it through more until I’ve got enough of a loop the other side to stick my fingers in and pull.  I repeat the process a couple of times, as Alfie gets more and more agitated, until eventually the ropes fall loose.

I hear Alfie breathe a sigh of relief.  He’s beside me a second later and lifting me up into the air.

“Grab that branch,” he whispers, “and hoist yourself up onto it.”

I get my arms around the thick branch, and grip tightly, trying to pull myself up, but I’m just not strong enough.  Alfie manoeuvres himself into a different position, carefully so he doesn’t drop me, puts one hand under my bum, and another on my leg, and pushes me upwards.  The extra help allows me to clamber onto the branch.  I grab hold of another branch above me to keep myself stable.

“Move higher.  Quickly.”

Now I’m in the tree this isn’t so hard as the branches are closer together.  I grab hold of a branch the light from the moon is hitting and use it to clamber to my feet and scramble higher in the tree.

“Good.  Now stay put – and if you see so much as the tiniest hint of a vampire approaching; call me, I won’t be far off.”

Alfie tears away to join the fight.

From where I’m positioned I have a pretty good view of what’s going on, the sky has cleared and the moon is casting a cool light over the clearing.  My eyes follow Alfie as he rushes to help another wolf, I can’t tell who – from here it’s pretty impossible to tell who is a vampire and who is a werewolf.  Alfie is the only one I know well enough to recognise his shape in the half-light.  I watch as he leaps onto a figure, pulling him backwards, and they both tumble onto the ground.  There is a definite decrease in numbers since the last time I looked.  I want to keep looking at Alfie to make sure he’s ok, but I also want to find out what’s going on, and what his chances are; what our chances are.

My eyes dart around, trying to take everything in.  I think there are about fifteen still fighting.  Off some way to the side there are three people on the ground, but still alive – I can see them moving.  I can also see a body on the ground – unmoving.  It must be a werewolf as if a vampire had died it wouldn’t leave a body behind.  I look back at the fighters; it is no longer one on one; there are little groups forming, two or three against one.  As I watch them I think I can see the difference between the werewolves and vampires – the werewolves are bigger and noisier for a start.  It seems like it is mainly werewolves left.  There’s a shout of triumph, and my eyes dart to its source, just in time to see a vampire turn to dust, and the three werewolves who took it on turn to help the others.

I find Alfie again – he has now been joined by another werewolf so they are three to one on a tall and thin vampire.  Alfie lunges at the vampire from behind and grabs him, wrapping his arms tightly around his body to hold down his arms, and I watch as another werewolf drives a stake into the vampire’s chest.  Alfie lets go of him and leaps back as another vampire smokes and turns to dust.  They shout in triumph again, as another team do the same.

Now there are just three groups of fighters – the vampires are seriously outnumbered, and each is fighting a couple of wolves while others hover around the edges waiting to help where they can.

Alfie rushes into another fight, against a small woman, who flips backwards as Alfie approaches, so fast I barely see it, and kicks him hard in the head.  Alfie flies backwards, other wolves jumping out of the way, and lands hard, and there’s a bang as his head hits something, maybe a stone.

“Alfie!” I whisper, wanting to shout, to run to him, but not wanting to become a hostage again and getting everyone screwed over when they’re so close to winning.

There’s a shout of victory, but I barely notice, as Alfie is lying there, still not moving.  There are a couple of guys leaning over him, trying to revive him.  I see his foot move and he rolls onto his side, and then he’s back on his feet.  The three of them go back to the werewolf pack as they surround the female vampire and other vampire, both of whom are obviously amazing fighters.

The female jump kicks another werewolf in the head, and as he falls to the ground another fighter jumps in to replace him.  I can see Alfie, bouncing on his feet, eager to jump in and fight too, but not seeing an opportunity.

The female vampire is swift, she kicks backwards and punches forwards in one movement, and it looks like her hand disappears into the chest of the guy fighting her.

“No!” comes a few shouts, as she pulls something out of his chest and he collapses.

Alfie leaps forward, drawing a stake, and jams it into her chest from behind, while some people leap back, and others get onto their knees, wild sobs filling the night.

But other werewolves join the one fight still going, surrounding the remaining vampire who is still going strong.  The vampire is a large male, and he’s the most incredible fighter – I watch as he takes out wolf after wolf, each fighter being replaced by another, and then he lunges to the side, trying to escape the werewolves who are surrounding him – but they close ranks and don’t give him the opportunity to get away.

Someone leaps forwards, trying to grab him, and he spins out of their way, spinning so fast I can no longer see him.  There are cries of confusion from the werewolf pack, and then a creepy laugh echoes around the field, chilling me to the bone, and from the middle of the group, where the vampire had been, flies a large raven.  The werewolves turn and follow its progress as it flies away and out of sight, hollering and screaming after it.  I hear ‘coward’ shouted quite a few times.

I’m confused, what happened?

“It’s over!” someone shouts.

Some people cheer, others howl with grief, and I see a blur as Alfie runs towards me.  I start to clamber down the tree so I can meet him.


To keep reading check out Chapter 21. It’s the last chapter!

Copyright © M.D. Bowden

All Rights Reserved

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