An moody image of a full moon to set the scene for a vampire and werewolf novel - a free vampire book online.

Free Vampire Books: Vampire Bite – Chapter 16


M.D. Bowden has asserted her moral rights to be identified as author of this work.  No part of this book may be reproduced without prior permission in writing from the author.  All characters in this book are fictitious.  Any resemblance to real persons, living, dead or living dead, is entirely coincidental.

Get Your Vampire VS Werewolf Fix With A Nice Amount Of Paranormal Romance Thrown In

Have you read the first chapters in this free vampire book yet?

If not first check out:

Chapter 1: BITE

Chapter 2: MESSAGE

Chapter 3: ALFIE

Chapter 4: KISS

Chapter 5: GONE

Chapter 6: WOLF

Chapter 7: NIGHT

Chapter 8: HUNT

Chapter 9: DREAD

Chapter 10: CASPER

Chapter 11: DEAD

Chapter 12: FAIR

Chapter 13: DANGER

Chapter 14: AMBUSH

Chapter 15: CONFLICT


My stomach lurches with a mixture of pleasure and fear.  Oh my God.  Shite.  What should I do?  Instead of doing anything I just stand there staring at him like an idiot, frozen in place.

He beckons with his finger.

I shake my head.

He pulls a mock hurt expression, shrugs, and walks off into the dark.

I feel a wave of disappointment, which is even more idiotic than just staring at him.  What did I expect him to do?  Force me to go out there?  I could have chosen to go out … just to talk to him.  I didn’t.  I did the sensible thing, which was not idiotic at all – what’s idiotic is the feelings that arise in me when I see him.  Everything is so good with Alfie – how can seeing Casper have such an effect on me?

I shake my head at myself in exasperation.  I’m quite clear that I’m crazy about Alfie – and want to be with him – he is very, very good-looking and kind and sweet and makes me feel wonderful.  But Casper … there’s just something about him.  He’s beautiful and dangerous and appealing….  Unfortunately he’s also a vampire and a murderer.  Or fortunately.  Not fortunately for the people he’s killed – I’m not that much of an idiot.  But fortunately for my clarity of mind.  I think that if he wasn’t … the choice between him and Alfie would be tricky … but he is.  So it’s not.

I decide that maybe sleep will implant some sense into me.


The next day is gorgeous with a perfect blue sky and crisp coldness.  I set off in the daylight, all on my own, to meet Mark at the train station.  It’s a long time since I’ve been anywhere on my own, and walking along the river breathing in the crisp air helps to clear my head. 

The station is bustling and sparkling with Christmas decorations and there’s a general upbeat air about the commuters.  I spot Mark ambling towards me and my face splits into a grin – and he even manages a smile in return.  I run to him and wrap my arms around him, and he hugs me back.  We walk away from the station in silence, but it’s good to be with him again – I’m glad he actually came – I almost didn’t think he would.

“I was right,” he says.  “Getting out of the house has already lifted my spirits.  Maybe … maybe I’m ready to return to uni.”

“That would be great – it would be so good to have you back here.”

“Yeah … I’ve got to get on with my life.  Can’t let that bastard who … can’t let him ruin everything in my life – even though he ruined the most precious part of it.”

“I have good news on that,” I say, as we get away from the crowds and back down to the river path.

“I’m not sure that’s possible,” Mark says.

“The guy who did it … he’s dead.”

Mark stops walking and stares at me.  “How do you know?”

“I saw it happen.”

His mouth drops open.

“Like I said – I have so much to tell you.”

He whistles.  “Sounds like it.  You might as well get on with it now – let’s sit here and you can fill me in.”

We sit on the third concrete step up, lining the river, and lean against the step behind us.  I close my eyes, enjoying the feel of the winter sun on my face.

“I’m not sure if you’ll believe me…”

“I saw Trish … after it happened.  I saw your neck after you were bitten.  Why don’t you try me?”

“Alright then … I’ve been spending a lot of time with Alfie.  And … he … really is a werewolf.”

“How do you know?”

I explain about him taking me out and transforming in front of me.

“Are you actually serious?  I know what I saw before … but that’s … incredible.”

“It was incredible.  It is.  And all the myths are true – vampires and werewolves really are enemies.  Alfie is here, and his whole pack, to take out the vampires.”

“Is he dangerous?”


“Alfie – duh,” Mark says and pushes me playfully on the shoulder.

“No, course not.”

“But you said he’s a werewolf – surely he must be dangerous.”

“He’s dangerous to vampires – you should have seen him when they attacked us – he went all big and growly, I –”

“Hang on, stop a minute.  Vampires attacked you?”


“What were you doing putting yourself in a situation where that could happen?  It’s bad enough that I’ve lost Trish – I couldn’t bear it if I lost you too,” he says, his eyes welling up.

“I’ve been being careful – and this is really important.  I want to help them take down the vampires.  I don’t want anyone else to die.”

Mark looks deflated, and worried.  “What have you been up to, Ava?”

This time I tell him everything that’s happened, including the romantic stuff with Alfie.  And what’s happened with Casper.

Mark listens without interrupting, staring at me intently.  When I finish my story he says, “Whoa.  That’s a lot to happen to one person in so short a time.  I feel a bit pathetic that I’ve just been moping about the house.”

“You could come back?  You could join us?”

“Nope.  I’m not joining you.  This werewolf and vampire business – it’s your mission.  And although I don’t want you out there risking your life – I can see that I’m not going to be able to persuade you against it.  But … I think I will come back to Exeter.  To uni.  And I’ll be here for you if you need me.  Just be careful!  Alright?”

I nod.  “I’m glad you’re coming back – you can keep some normality in my life.”

He laughs.  “I doubt that – but I’ll try.”

“So … you actually believe me?” I say.

“Yep, even though it all seems so unlikely.  The murders….  Trish….  But of course I trust you.  Unless … I suppose all that blood loss may have made you have a psychotic breakdown.”

“Hey!”  I hit his arm.

He laughs.  “Just kidding.  I do believe you.  I kinda wish I didn’t though.”

“Yeah, me too.  At least if it was human killers – then the police could deal with this.”

Mark nods, and then stares out at the water, lost in thought.  I do the same, until he jolts me out of it by speaking again.

“How come … when quite a few vampires are now dead … less people aren’t being killed?”

“I know, it’s weird isn’t it.  I asked Alfie the same question when I was at his the other day.”

“What did he say?”

“He reckons that now they have realised the werewolves pose a serious threat – that they’re strengthening themselves … for battle.”

“Against the werewolves?”


“Doesn’t sound good.”

“No, it doesn’t, right?  But the vampires are seriously outnumbered now.  The werewolves should be able to take them on easily if they get the opportunity.”

“Let’s hope they do.  And soon,” says Mark, and he goes back to staring out at the water.

I look at the ripples, but my thoughts are elsewhere.  What if they do have a battle?  Vampires against werewolves.  There are twenty-one werewolves – but how many vampires are left?  Four?  Five?  The werewolves really should take them out easily.  If they can find them… But … what about Casper?  I feel a twinge of fear in my heart.

As though Mark has read my mind, he says, “How do you feel about the werewolves killing Casper?”

“He should die.  He’s a murderer.”

“But regardless of that … you like him.  Right?”

“I don’t ‘like’ him.  But I admit – I am attracted to him.  I have to remember that it’s just because he’s worked his vampire mojo on me though.”

“What if that’s not the case?”

“He’s still a murderer.”

“True.  So you won’t be upset if he gets killed?”

“Err … well … maybe I will be, but it’s something I’ll have to deal with.  It’s better that I feel upset than he takes people’s lives away – which would cause a whole lot more pain than I’d feel.  And anyway … I really like Alfie.  Maybe even love him.  Me being attracted to Casper is ridiculous.  And wrong.”

“Which doesn’t make it not true,” Mark says.

He’s silent again, and I’m relieved.  This topic of conversation makes me feel uncomfortable.

“Shame they don’t know where the vampires are now,” Mark says.  “If they did … they could stop this all tonight.”

“Ha, I’ve an idea,” I say, jokingly.  “Why don’t I let myself be captured by Casper – he could take me back to his vampire den – and then I could tell the pack where to find them.”

Mark laughs.  “Don’t even think about it,” he says, warning in his voice.

I drop Mark back at the station in time so I can get back before dark.  He promises that he’s going to get his stuff together and contact the university about coming back.  And he makes me promise not to do anything stupid.

At seven, Alfie knocks on my door.  I buzz him up and he takes the stairs in his fashion – three at a time.  He grins when he sees me and wraps me up in his arms, and I feel a surge of warmth and affection.

“Hi, Alfie.”

“Two days without you is too much,” he says, and laughs, then leans down and kisses me on the lips.

“Yeah, it is.”

“Sammy and Mathew are outside.  Ready?”

We stay out all night, wandering the streets, looking for vampires.  I stay with Alfie, and Sammy and Mathew stay together, but we stay within shouting distance of each other.  I keep on wondering whether I should tell Alfie that Casper came by.  It’s on the tip of my tongue all night, but each time I’m about to tell him I reconsider.  How would he react?  Would I be worrying him unnecessarily? 

Alfie and I are loitering in an alley, hoping to attract the attention of a vampire, or even draw out a gang of them.

“You know,” I say to Alfie, “if I were to wait here alone – and the three of you keep out of sight – we’d have more chance of luring a vampire out.”

Alfie laughs at me.  “Use you as bloodsucker bait? – I don’t think so!”  He loops his arm around my waist and pulls me against his body.  “Much better that we make out and hope they think they can catch us while we’re preoccupied.”  He kisses the side of my neck, and then my jaw.

“What if we really are too preoccupied?” I say, running my fingers down his bare arms.

“Then Sammy and Mathew can save us,” Alfie says, his kisses getting closer to my lips.

It feels heavenly.  “I’m happy with that plan,” I whisper, sliding my fingers under the bottom of his t-shirt and touching the skin at the base of his back.

His mouth touches mine and then he kisses me firmly, my lips separating as he opens his mouth, his tongue pushing against mine.  I practically melt into him.  I wrap my hands around the back of his head, winding my fingers through his soft hair.  He hooks his hands under my thighs and lifts me up so my face is level with his and I wrap my legs around his body.  He kisses me again and pushes me back against the wall, then taking my weight with one arm he slips a hand under my t-shirt and cups my breast in his hand, squeezing as he keeps kissing me.  I shiver at his touch and clutch his body, kissing him back, biting his lips, kissing his jaw.  He presses himself against me, his breathing getting deeper.

“Ava,” he whispers, “I want you.”  And he kisses me back on the lips and pushes his tongue into my mouth, and groans.  “But we can’t take this any further here.”

“I know,” I whisper, and I kiss him again, but with a closed mouth, holding the kiss, but then I break away reluctantly and wrap my arms around him, resting my head in the crook of his neck.  He kisses my shoulder through my jacket and holds me right back.

“It’s hard to stop though,” he whispers back at me.

“It is.  Maybe … instead of going back to your base in the morning … you could stay with me?”

He pulls back and his eyes lock on mine, and he smiles mischievously.  “You sure?”

I nod, and smile at him shyly, blushing.

“I guess I better put you down now or I really won’t be able to stop.”

He lowers me to the ground and I feel disappointed – I really want to carry on – but I’m looking forward to being alone with him at my place.  And nervous.

He picks up my hand and kisses it.

“Well, that plan didn’t work for attracting any vampires,” I say.

“Nope – but it was good in other ways.”

I smile.  “Yes, it was.”

For the rest of the night we keep exchanging glances with each other but don’t say much.  I feel like telling him about Casper now would ruin the mood and as the night draws to an end I have still not told him.  The sun is rising when we say goodbye to Sammy and Mathew, and Alfie comes inside with me. 

I close the front door to my building and Alfie puts his hands on my waist from behind.  He pushes my hair aside and slowly kisses my neck, putting his hand under my t-shirt and stroking the skin just below my belly button.  Shivers go through my body and I turn to face him, and he picks me up in his arms and pushes me against the hallway wall.  I look into his gorgeous eyes, admiring the amber rings, and then kiss him on the lips, gently, but his tongue touches mine and our kisses get deeper, and more urgent.

He holds onto me and carries me up the stairs, and, still in his arms, I fumble for my key, and giggle as he leans down so I can get it in the lock.

Alfie kicks the door closed behind us and walks with me, kissing me, to the sofa, and lays me down on my back, climbing towards me.  I reach forwards to pull him down onto me, and kiss him again, my heart rate climbing as he works his hand under my t-shirt and fumbles with my bra, still kissing me as it comes undone and he touches the bare skin of my breast, squeezing and tweaking my nipple, and then rubbing as his tongue meets mine.

I pull up his t-shirt and run my hands up and down his spine, and then down, over his jeans, I touch his bum and pull him against me, and his kisses get faster.  He breaks away and pulls off his t-shirt, and I watch, light from the rising sun streaming into the room, highlighting his muscular chest.  His eyes meet mine and they’re glowing in the sunshine.  I sit forward and pull off my jacket, and my jumper, and then he stops me, and takes over, pulling my t-shirt over my head, and then taking off my bra.

He looks down at my breasts.  “You have a beautiful body, Ava,” he murmurs.

“You do too,” I say, feeling cheeky.

I reach for him and he’s back on top of me.  He cups my breasts in his hands and kisses my collar bone, and his mouth gets lower, his lips brush over the skin of my breasts, and I respond by running my hands over his body, grasping at him, pulling him closer.

“I can’t get enough of you, Ava,” he says.  “I’m taking you to bed.”

I don’t object.  He picks me up and carries me into the bedroom, tossing my covers aside and resting me back against the sheet.  It is a long time until we fall asleep…


I wake up first.  I’m lying on my side and one of Alfie’s long legs is touching mine – it feels soft and warm – in fact he’s so warm I had to roll away from him so I could get to sleep.  I open my eyes and look at him, grey winter light is filtering in around the edge of my blind, but it’s plenty light enough to see Alfie sprawled out on my double bed.  He’s lying on his back with one arm under his head and the covers down to his waist, allowing me to see his chest.  He’s looking very comfortable and relaxed – and he’s in my bed. 

A man in my bed.  An Alfie man.  Who’s a werewolf.  A very yummy attractive werewolf.  Seeing him asleep like this no-one would ever imagine what he’d be like on a full moon – he looks so soft and lovely.  I wrap my arm around his chest and snuggle against him.  He stirs and wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head, and then his deep breathing returns and I just lie there thinking about last night; about Alfie’s kisses and touches and how he makes me feel.

Alfie’s phone starts ringing.  He kisses the top of my head and lets go of me so I can roll off him, then he swings his legs out of bed and walks into the living room naked.  Naked!  Ha.  Alfie is naked in my flat.  I grin to myself, but the grin falls off my face as I hear Alfie’s voice, sounding angry, coming from the other room.

I hear him toss his phone down and he walks back in with a scowl on his face, grabs his boxers off the floor and starts putting them on.

“What is it?” I say.

“Four girls were killed at an event at the uni last night.  Four!  The whole city will be on lockdown soon.  And we didn’t get any of the bloodsuckers!  Mic is calling an emergency meeting to see if we can get ourselves a better plan – as our current one sure ain’t working.”

“Should I come too?”

“Nah, don’t worry.  I know you have work to do.”  He sits down next to me on the bed with his jeans on but his chest still bare.  “I’ll see you later and fill you in.”

He leans over and kisses me on the lips.  One kiss.

“I wish I could stay though,” he whispers in my ear.

“I wish you could too.”

“I love you,” he whispers, just before he closes the door behind him.

Once he’s gone I get in the shower and as I wash I think about the girls who lost their lives last night.  Four girls in one night – things are definitely getting worse.  I think of Trish and the girl Casper murdered, and tears run down my face.  I wish there was a way we could get them all together and end this!  Too many people are dying.  One death is too many.  How many people have the vampires killed in Exeter?  It’s so many I’ve actually lost count … but it must be near thirty now.

I wonder … that idea I had … letting Casper capture me.  Could that work?  No.  It’s a terrible idea.  It would never work and it would be incredibly dangerous.


To keep reading check out Chapter 17.

Copyright © M.D. Bowden

All Rights Reserved

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