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Free Vampire Books: Vampire Bite – Chapter 14


M.D. Bowden has asserted her moral rights to be identified as author of this work.  No part of this book may be reproduced without prior permission in writing from the author.  All characters in this book are fictitious.  Any resemblance to real persons, living, dead or living dead, is entirely coincidental.

Get Your Vampire VS Werewolf Fix With A Nice Amount Of Paranormal Romance Thrown In

Have you read the first chapters in this free vampire book yet?

If not first check out:

Chapter 1: BITE

Chapter 2: MESSAGE

Chapter 3: ALFIE

Chapter 4: KISS

Chapter 5: GONE

Chapter 6: WOLF

Chapter 7: NIGHT

Chapter 8: HUNT

Chapter 9: DREAD

Chapter 10: CASPER

Chapter 11: DEAD

Chapter 12: FAIR

Chapter 13: DANGER

Chapter 14: AMBUSH

Alfie’s ears prick and his glowing eyes dart to the left, and then to the right.  I draw out my gun and stand as still as a statue as Alfie starts to prowl around me in a circle, a low growl emanating from his chest.  He’s a fearsome sight – but I’m not scared of him – I feel protected.  I am, however, scared of whatever it is he’s sensed – my heart is going crazy, my breathing ragged and my palms sweaty.  Suddenly there’s movement from all sides – something, multiple somethings, getting closer at lightning speed – materialising out of the dark, and then stopping in a circle around us.

Vampires.  The one in front of me is the blond guy who killed Trish.  He sneers at me and I point my gun at his chest, not taking my eyes off him to see how many more vampires are surrounding us, but it feels like there are more than four – and I remember Alfie saying he was a match for four.  This means we are outnumbered.

The vampires are all silent, which somehow makes the situation even more creepy; the only sounds I can hear are coming from Alfie.  He is at my back, I can feel warmth radiating from him on my legs, and he is growling and snapping at the vampires behind me.

The blond vampire in front of me takes a step forwards, and he snaps playfully at me, showing extended fangs.

“Leave her out of it,” a voice says, breaking their quiet.  I recognise the voice – I think it’s Casper – I want to turn and see but I can’t stop looking at the guy in front, who takes another step towards me.

“I don’t think so,” the blond vampire says – and suddenly they’re all moving at once.  He is coming at me – and I’m firing – but there’s movement behind me too.  Something knocks against my arm and I miss.  I try to get the gun pointing at the blond vampire again but he knocks it out of my hand as I’m grabbed from behind – someone’s arms are around me and my feet are lifted off the ground – it’s all happening too fast – I’m moving away, so fast the darkness is blurring around me and a blur is moving towards me; I can just about see it in the light from the moon.

Suddenly I stop moving and I’m being put on my feet and whoever is holding me is in front of me, holding me in place with his left arm holding onto my left arm.  I stagger but he holds me up.  It’s Casper.  The blur stops moving towards us and the blond vampire is standing still inches in front of him.

“What the hell are you doing?” he spits at Casper.

“She’s mine,” Casper hisses back at him.

“I’m not anyone’s!” I shout, as there is now plenty of noise coming from the area near the fire – fighting – but I can’t see what’s going on, I can’t see how Alfie is doing, it’s too dark, they are too far away, and moving too fast.

The blond vampire laughs; the sound is hollow and mocking.  “‘She’s not anyone’s’, she says.  She might as well be mine then – I’ve already had her friend.”

“No,” Casper snarls.

I try to break away from him, struggling to get out of his grip, but he tightens his hold on my wrist and his grip is too strong to break; he’s like a rock.

The blond vampire shrugs, turns, starts to walk away, and then he’s like a blur again, coming towards me from the side.  Casper lets go of my arm and I stagger backwards as Casper gets between me and the blond vampire and in one movement, so swift, he grabs hold of the blond vampire’s head, or neck, and twists, and the vampire drops to the ground.

I watch open mouthed, forgetting I should be running away.

Casper turns to look at me.  “You have a stake?”

I nod, and hands shaking, I pull one out of my jacket.  Casper is holding out his hand so I toss it to him.  He catches it and drives it into the chest of the fallen vampire, smoke wisps from the vampire’s body and then in a puff he’s dust.

Casper’s at my side in an instant, looking over my body, checking I’m ok; I think.  Then his arms are around me again and we’re moving so fast all I can see is darkness.

“Alfie!” I scream, my voice lost on the wind, but there’s no reply.

I’m still moving fast, held in Casper’s cool grip.  I feel sick, disorientated, and dizzy.  Too dizzy, things are fading away … my perceptions fading … I’m losing my hold on reality … blankness.

“Ava!  Ava!”

Casper’s voice.

Ugh, I feel weird, my head is spinning – but I seem to be still now, lying on the ground, someone – Casper – is shaking my shoulder.

“Ava,” he hisses.

“I’m awake,” I manage.  “Dizzy.  Alfie?”

“No.  Casper.”  He sounds really close.

I open my eyes and Casper’s face is hovering close to mine, but I can hardly see him as it’s so dark.

“Where are we?” I say.

“Still in the forest – I need to get you further away.”

“No – Alfie – I need to help him.”

“He can look after himself, Ava.  You can’t.  I’m taking you home.”

“Home?  Really?  You’re not kidnapping me?  Or killing me?”

“Not this time,” he says, and it sounds like he’s smiling.

“But you kill people – I saw you.  You’re a vampire!”  My delirium is obviously affecting my judgement about what it’s sensible to say.

“True,” he says.  “But not you.”

He lifts me back into his arms, holding me like a baby with my head against his shoulder.

“But Alfie!”

“You can’t help him now.  Close your eyes – I won’t move so quickly this time.”

He starts to move and I close my eyes involuntarily, too dizzy to argue anymore.  Next thing I know Casper is putting me on my feet and directing me to get into the passenger side of a car.  When I don’t do it he actually lifts me in.  An instant later he’s in the driver’s seat starting the engine.  As the lights come on I can make out his face better – he’s looking at the road ahead.  He glances at me and then looks back to the road.

My thoughts are confused by motion sickness and just not knowing what’s going on.  Alfie is out there fighting, I think; hopefully he’s fighting – hopefully he’s still alive.  And I’m here with Casper.  He protected me, he even killed another vampire, and he didn’t go for Alfie – he wanted to get me away from there.  Why?

“How many of you were there?” I say.

“Five, including me, and—”

“So three – there were three left for Alfie to fight.”

Casper nods.  I feel a tiny ray of hope blossom in my chest; Alfie might be alright … he really might survive this.

I think of the blond vampire.  “You killed him,” I say.

Casper nods.  “I shouldn’t have done that.”

“Thank you.  He killed my friend.”

“And he would have killed you,” he says, still looking at the road.

“Why are you doing this?” I ask.

“Why do anything?” he says, shooting me another sideways glance.  “I wanted to.”

“You said I’m yours.”

He turns and shoots me a melting smile, and raises his eyebrows.  “Aren’t you?”

My heart thuds, my mouth dry, too dry to answer.  I shake my head, and look back to the road, feeling ill.

He looks back to the road too.  “I think you are,” he says.  The way he says it sounds like he thinks it’s inevitable; like he believes we are meant to be together.

I feel too weird to argue.  I tilt my head back against the headrest and close my eyes.  The motion must have really knocked it out of me since I come to as Casper is shaking my leg.

“Ava, you’re home.”

I open my eyes and his face is close to mine, lit up by the street lights.  His black eyes are fixed on me and when I look into them I practically melt.  Remember, Ava, I think, he killed that girl.  Her face flashes before my eyes, and I’m not sure what registers on my face, but a crease forms between Casper’s eyebrows.

“Let’s get you in,” he says.

I look out at the night and see familiar buildings – Casper really has brought me home, we are just around the corner from my block of flats – this is as close as you can get to it by car.  The night is still and no-one is about, and I can see the full moon low in the sky.  The whole pack will still be wolves and I won’t be able to contact anyone until they turn back; there is nothing I can do to help Alfie until then.  Nothing I can do apart from get back to the safety of my flat without Casper deciding he’d rather kill me than leave me safely at home.

“You don’t need to be scared of me,” he says, like he can read my mind.

I hope he can’t.

“Don’t I?” I whisper, my chest tight.

He reaches towards my face, like he’s going to stroke it, but I lean back, towards the door, and his hand drops.

A second later and he’s out of the car, around at my side, opening the passenger door.  He’s standing there, under the streetlight, looking like the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen, holding open the door and waiting for me to get out.

I take a deep breath, swing my legs round and get to my feet, still feeling unsteady.  I hold onto the side of the shiny black car, so I don’t fall, and Casper closes the door.  He takes my arm, and I stop, closing my eyes, torn about what to do.  I feel like I’ll fall without him, but is accepting his help wrong?  Am I betraying Alfie?  Betraying myself?

“Open your eyes, Ava,” he says, and he’s standing in front of me – holding onto my upper arms.  He’s very close – I can feel his cool breath on my lips.  I remember what it was like to kiss him.  I remember the girl he killed.

I shake my head.  He’s so close.  “Don’t kiss me,” I whisper.

“We’re meant to be together, Ava.  I can feel it.  I can tell you can too.”

“It’s an illusion.  You’re a vampire.  What I feel isn’t real.”

A slow smile creeps across his face and he nods at me.  “It is.”

I swallow.  “I should … get inside.”

He moves back to my side and I let him hold onto my arm.  I let him hold me until I’m at my door.  I look from his beautiful face to the front door of my building, and then rummage for my keys.  My fingers are shaking but I manage to get the right one in the lock.

I look at Casper.  He is standing there, leaning against the edge of the door frame.

“I could help you up?” he says, his face serious.

I almost laugh.  As if.  “I’m not inviting you in.”

He shrugs.  “I’ll wait here until you’re inside.”

I meet his black eyes one final time, and then twist the key and step inside, then holding onto the door for support I shut it behind me, stagger to the first step and sit down, resting my head on my knees, my breath coming too fast.  Too much is going on.  Too much for my dizzy brain to handle.  I’m inside.  I’m alive.  Relief.  And pangs.  I’m relieved that Casper didn’t kill me.  He brought me home.  It’s almost too much to believe.  But I’m here.  I’m home.  But another part of me wants him to be inside with me – actually wanted to invite him in … even though he’s a vampire.  What the hell is wrong with me?  And Alfie … I don’t know what has happened to him … how can I be here and he’s out there in trouble … and he might be dead.  They might have killed him.  Or he might have fought them off and now he doesn’t know where I am, or what’s happened to me.  What if he does something stupid?

I don’t even consider going to bed.  As soon as the moon sets I pick up my phone and dial Alfie’s number.  He doesn’t answer.  I try again.  And again. 

Still no answer. 

I ring Mic and he does answer.  I tell him what has happened and he says he’ll send a team out at once.  He hangs up and I’m filled with too much emotion – fear and dread – that I can’t keep it together anymore.  I curl up in a ball on my sofa and cry, holding my phone like a lifeline.

To keep reading check out Chapter 15.

Copyright © M.D. Bowden

All Rights Reserved

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